Wednesday 21 January 2009

Human Evolution

What is human evolution? What does this mean to me and my child?

Many families would ask this question.

Let us consider that at this moment there is an evolutionary process taking place where our states of awareness and understanding of our place in the world is changing. How does this affect me?

Your higher good or over-self or higher consciousness would bring forward to you various opportunities to examine what is happening in your daily lives.

What causes me the most joy? Honour those experiences they are the foundation of your existence and your creative potential.

What causes you the most stress - do I need this stress in my life?
How can I alleviate this situation reduce my feelings of stress and move forward into a state of being in harmony with myself and those around me.

Whose highest purpose do I serve by forcing an issue which I believe is the best course of action to take. Am I servicing self or am I following a belief trail preset by others who purport to be in my highest interest.

Many of our belief systems are put in place by others who have been placed in front of us as teachers and guides. They are placed in front of us to give us an opportunity to work with these systems and evaluate which works best for us. The downside to this is when we stay in the groove of carrying out our daily lives not examining who exactly is in our driving seat.

Is it our self or is it the pre-programming we have been give in our childhood lives ie that of our parents - school teachers - and local governments. Which systems are they following?

Are the paths they are treading honouring their own truths or the needs and desires of their own egos.

LISTEN - Life whispers first and then SHOUTS if you ignore that which is in your highest good.

You have free will and choice in every aspect of the life you are living - if anyone tells you otherwise they do not service your highest good and potential to evolve.

Human Evolution is the main purpose of our experience on Mother Earth - Serve her well if you wish her to service you - We are all one - For every aspect of the library of life is made available to you - it will depend on your own translation of the information you are given.

Check on the interpretations of your children - they may offer you a greater insight into the purpose of our existence than you ever thought possible.

Smell the air we breathe - taste the products of the earth which mother nature offers us.

Become more informed about who you are - Why you are here what have you to offer - and Encourage the same type of questioning in your children

Where can I be of the best service to others - Service offers enlightenment of your own purpose and unfolding of your genetic blue print.

Do you want to stay on the old treadmill of repeated experience or do you want to grow and become the real multifaceted higher consciousness being you can be.

Our children are here to show us the way - if we let them.
Some are here to find their own way regardless of the influences of others - are you here to join them in their search for the TRUTH – your own truth.

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